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Pyx AI: Automating the Unstructured.
Say Goodbye to Manual Data Processing

Introducing Pyx AI

Take the manual work out of your processes.
Automating What Wasn't Possible Before

Handle Unstructured Data: Automate processes involving data that couldn’t be managed by traditional programming. Simplify

Complex Tasks: Use AI to automate tasks that were too complex for conventional automation. Overcome Past

Past Limitations: Automate areas where manual intervention was previously the only option.

Advanced Automation with AI Technology

Adapt to Any Data: Automate workflows involving messy or unstructured data. Bridge the

Gaps: Apply automation to tasks where classical methods failed. Increase

Efficiency: Free up resources by automating processes once dependent on manual effort.

Pyx AI: Improving Operations

Real-Time Process Automation

Automate processes continuously, adapting to changes in data and conditions as they happen.

Flexible Workflow Integration

Automate tasks across different formats and systems, from PDFs to complex databases, with minimal setup.

Intelligent Task Execution

Automate complex tasks without manual input. Set the parameters, and Pyx AI handles the rest.

24/7 Automation

Automate your operations around the clock, ensuring everything stays on track.

Conversational search by Artificial Intelligence

Pyx AI - Conversational search with RAG

There is no need to curate or prepare your data – choose your endpoint, and we synch all the information you want.

How It Works

How It Works

Contact us

Choose your

Synch your

Be amazed

Seamless Integration:
Get started in a breeze with our simple setup process. Just point Pyx towards the information you want to make searchable, and it’ll take care of the rest.

Chat Naturally:
Ask your questions just like you would to a colleague. Whether you’re looking for a specific data point, or an in-depth explanation, Pyx responds with unparalleled accuracy, leveraging the Power of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).

Instantaneous Updates:
With automatic synchronization, any updates to your data are instantly accessible to Pyx. Say goodbye to manual imports and outdated info. 

Secure User Management:
Using our intuitive backend, assign and manage access for your team members, ensuring everyone has the information they need when they need it.