
Don't search.

Just ask Pyx AI - a quick and easy way to get the information you need

Introducing Pyx AI

The Future of Efficient Information Retrieval
Unlock the Power of Natural Conversations with Your Data.

For an efficient business, every second counts. Sifting through files for one detail is both draining and time-intensive.

What if you could just ask a question and get the precise answer you were looking for, instantly? 

Welcome to Pyx AI, a cutting-edge technology that harnesses the power of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) to deliver real-time answers to your queries.

Benefits of Next-Level Efficiency are Just a Conversation Away.

Save Time: Drastically reduce the hours spent in searching and reading through lengthy documents. 

Boost Productivity: Get instant answers, enabling quicker decision-making and streamlined operations. 

Empower Your Team: Provide a tool that’s always up-to-date, always available, and always accurate, powered by Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).

Pyx explained - in just 5 minutes

Your Benefits with Pyx


Seamlessly integrate Pyx AI with the endpoint or data source of your choosing. All your data is synchronized and easily accessible, regardless of its origin.

Super Fast

Don't waste precious time sifting through documents. Pyx AI provides instant answers, helping you locate the exact information you need in a fraction of the time.

Easy Setup

Designed for simplicity and efficiency. Forget about lengthy implementation processes; you can have Pyx AI up and running in just an hour.

Cost Saving

Efficiency isn't just about time; it's about money too. Pyx AI reduces the hours spent searching to seconds, translating to significant savings for your business.

Fast Support

Encountered an issue or need assistance? Our dedicated support team is always on standby, ensuring any queries or concerns are addressed promptly.


Engage in natural, fluid conversations with Pyx AI. By leveraging the power of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), your information is just a question away.

Fully Self-Managed

Designed to be completely self-managed, taking care of data synchronization and user access seamlessly. With an intelligent system at the helm, your data is always up-to-date and ready for queries, while access controls ensure that only authorized personnel can interact with the system. Dive into a intuitive experience, where the software does all the heavy lifting, letting you focus on what truly matters.



Pyx AI - Conversational search with RAG

There is no need to curate or prepare your data – choose your endpoint, and we synch all the information you want.

How It Works

How It Works

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Synch your

Be amazed

Seamless Integration:
Get started in a breeze with our simple setup process. Just point Pyx towards the information you want to make searchable, and it’ll take care of the rest.

Chat Naturally:
Ask your questions just like you would to a colleague. Whether you’re looking for a specific data point, or an in-depth explanation, Pyx responds with unparalleled accuracy, leveraging the Power of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).

Instantaneous Updates:
With automatic synchronization, any updates to your data are instantly accessible to Pyx. Say goodbye to manual imports and outdated info. 

Secure User Management:
Using our intuitive backend, assign and manage access for your team members, ensuring everyone has the information they need when they need it.

Explore your
with pyx AI

Explore your Documents with pyx AI

Pyx AI knows and understands all the data you choose to provide


Interested in revolutionizing the way you access and interact with your data with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)? Reach out to us today to book a free online demo. If our solution resonates with your needs, we’re ready to expedite the implementation process for you. Plus, we’ll ensure you’re fully equipped to make the most of Pyx AI with a comprehensive training session. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to streamline your data management and enhance productivity.

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